Laura Hess
Creating Tomorrow’s Joy Today




Let me introduce you to Carl Sandburg’s Kansas Sodbuster: He leaned at the gatepost and studied the horizon and figured what corn might do next year and tried to calculate why God ever made the grasshopper and why two days of …

Happiness Is A Choice

When most people think about happiness, they assume it’s something that happens to them. They don’t believe they can choose happiness. But it’s a choice you make every single day and moment. You control your thoughts and emotions and choose to …

Since when did life get so complicated? What happened to the days of running wild and not worrying about anything? Even as we’ve gotten older, it’s still fun to remember the good old days and the simplicity of life (the one-phone …

ife is a serious business and can wear you down. We all have so many demands placed on us that it can be difficult to have fun. Getting a bit of a boost now and again is a must. Sometimes, you …

I have been intrigued by the Butterfly Effect concept since I first heard it 40+ years ago. Here’s the gist of it from a theoretical perspective: The Butterfly Effect is a concept rooted in chaos theory and was first coined by …

It’s that time of year when people make big promises to themselves about what they’re going to change in the new year. I think it’s time to break that habit (unless you’re one of the few for whom that works.) It’s …

As women enter their encore years, reflecting on glimmer feelings – those brief, joyful moments in everyday life – can become a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. This introspective journey can lead to profound insights, increased joy, and a …

Recognizing and appreciating glimmer feelings — those brief moments of joy and contentment in everyday life — can be transformative, especially as you navigate the encore years. Cultivating glimmers into lifelong habits lays the foundation for sustained happiness and resilience.   …

Glimmer feelings, those fleeting moments of joy and contentment, have a unique power when shared with others. As a woman navigating through your encore years, these shared moments can create deeper connections, enhance relationships, and foster a sense of community, multiplying …

Life’s crossroads, particularly those encountered in your encore years, bring emotions and challenges. During these transitions — be it retirement, a change in living situations, health issues, or even embarking on a new venture — the concept of ‘glimmer feelings’ becomes …

In this journey called life, especially as you step into your encore years, finding joy in the smallest moments becomes more critical. I teach Does Your Life Pass the Joy Test™; part of that is noticing the glimmers. Glimmers are fleeting …

While we search far and wide for sources of joy, the most potent wellspring often lies within us. It’s a beautiful irony. Your relationship with yourself is the most enduring one you’ll ever have, and it profoundly impacts your capacity for …

Let’s be honest: when we reflect on the moments that have brought us the most joy, they often involve the people we love and care about. Relationships are the critical ingredient influencing your existence’s flavor, richness, and quality. Relationships’ vital role …

“Money can’t buy happiness.” You’ve heard this adage, but if you’re honest, you also know money plays a role in your overall well-being and joy. While it’s not the be-all and end-all, understanding the connection between money and joy can offer valuable …

On our career paths, success is usually equated with tangible rewards — promotions, raises, and accolades. While these markers are important, they’re not the whole story. Your career isn’t just a means to a financial end. You spend a significant amount …

Joy is often relegated to the emotional or psychological realm, leaving physical well-being in the background. This separation is artificial and misleading. Physical well-being is not merely a backdrop for joy; it’s an active player and contributes shades and hues to …

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