Laura Hess
Creating Tomorrow’s Joy Today

How to Have a Fulfilling Encore …

What comes to mind when you think about ending your career or quitting your job? Lifestyle freedom or financial independence are among the most common things women think about.

Hopefully, you’ve planned for the financial piece of not working. But for your encore years to be truly enjoyable, you should have a holistic plan that encompasses the following:

  • Emotional, social, and mental well-being
  • Physical conditioning
  • Spirituality
  • Financial preparedness


Your encore can start with feelings of excitement and freedom. However, with no day job, boredom and anxiety can also begin to pop up.

Take these steps for a fulfilling, holistic encore:

  1. Consider hobbies you want to start in your new free time. Fill your time with healthy outlets. Revisit hobbies, connect with friends and family, get involved in the community, or even write a book.

  2. Create a bucket list of places you want to travel to. Now that you’re no longer tied to your workplace 40 hours per week, you have much more free time to travel. Create a bucket list of places you’ve always wanted to go and things you’ve always wanted to do. Now is the perfect time to visit those places and do those things.

  3. Look forward, not backward. Instead of regret, think about all you can accomplish now. Think about the future possibilities instead of what you didn’t do in the past.

  4. Consider your finances and spending. When it comes to your encore years, the earlier you save, the better. (I wish somebody had told me earlier to start saving even $10 a week!) Do you need to adjust your spending? If you want to bring in extra income, consider taking on a part-time job or looking at how to earn money working for yourself.

  5. Stay connected. Staying connected with others and having frequent conversations is a great way to keep your mind sharp and heart full. Start a weekly breakfast club, invite family over regularly, and join groups to stay connected.

  6. Develop a routine. Developing a routine will give you stability. You can incorporate regular activities that keep you healthy: fitness classes, game nights with friends, a daily walk, etc.

  7. Do activities that will keep your mind sharp. As you get older, it’s essential to do activities that exercise your brain. It can be as simple as having regular conversations with others. Alternatively, you can participate in activities such as playing chess and reading.

  8. Continue to eat healthy and be as active as possible. Getting older does not have to mean less activity. When you stop working, you have more time to be active and focus on your health. Consider fitness or aerobic activities for seniors at a local gym or YMCA.

  9. Plan volunteer work. Is there an organization or cause where you can volunteer? Think about organizations near and dear to your heart, and start connecting with their staff. There is tremendous joy in giving of yourself.

  10. Connect with yourself. Your encore is an opportunity to address longstanding life issues that have bothered you in the past. Review your beliefs and evaluate your life. Connect to your inner and outer purpose. Seek guidance from someone else, or take a course to take steps towards inner peace.


Your encore is an incredible time of life to reconnect with yourself, travel to places you’ve always wanted to go to and fill your time with fulfilling hobbies. Staying involved in the community can help you find purpose and peace.

Although all this free time might feel hard to fill at first, you’ll fill it in ways that might surprise you. I hear women say they’re busier in their encores than when working.

One more important piece is community and surrounding yourself with people you love spending time with. You can find a great community of women on Facebook at Your Encore is Now. Dive into enriching discussions, explore content for personal growth and transform this interaction into a meaningful dialogue.

This joy-filled journey is about more than just coping with changes – it’s about thriving!

If today’s blog post sparked the joy and insight you were seeking, we’d be thrilled if you could spread the JOY by sharing it on social media, emailing it to a friend, or leaving us a comment with your thoughts. We love hearing from you and … You never know whose day you might brighten!

I truly do believe that joy is more than just a feeling — it’s a vital nutrient for your soul. Just like how vitamins nourish your body, joy nourishes your spirit, uplifting your mood, sparking creativity, and filling your days with positivity (also known as “glimmers”). Imagine waking up every morning with a heart full of joy, ready to embrace each day’s possibilities. That’s the power of the joy vitamin.

Book a free call with me, Laura Hess, Master Coach and Joy Expert, and discover how you can infuse more joy into your life.

Let’s unlock the happiness that’s waiting to light up your world!




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