Laura Hess
Creating Tomorrow’s Joy Today

Happiness Is A Choice

When most people think about happiness, they assume it’s something that happens to them. They don’t believe they can choose happiness. But it’s a choice you make every single day and moment. You control your thoughts and emotions and choose to be happy. Here’s how:

Decide Where to Focus Your Energy:

What you focus on has a significant impact on your happiness. For example, if you focus on the negative, you will notice all the bad things in your life and be unhappy. However, focusing on the positive will make you feel optimistic about your life.

Focusing on the positive aspects of your life shows your brain that most things turn out okay. Each day brings many things that support your happiness.

Conversely, when you focus on the negatives, your brain automatically goes into survival mode and worries about everything that could go wrong.

Studies show positive thinking can improve your health. One study showed that people who had a positive outlook on life were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease.

Deciding to focus on the positive lets you take control of your life.


Decide How to Respond to Situations:

You’ll face challenging problems in life; everybody does. How you respond to challenging situations matters. During difficult times, some people focus on all the negative aspects of their lives and are unhappy.

Others focus on the positive and maintain a strong sense of happiness and well-being while determining solutions to their issues.

When you decide how you respond to situations, you choose how you want to feel. If you get laid off from your job, you can focus on the negative and feel sorry for yourself or the positive, seeing it as an opportunity to find a better job.

Set an example for others. When you choose to be happy, you inspire those around you to do the same despite facing difficulties.

Respond instead of reacting. When you react to a situation, you usually act from emotion and don’t think clearly. When you respond to a problem, you consciously decide how to act.


Control Your Thoughts:

Your thoughts have a massive impact on your happiness. If you want to be happy, take control of your life and decide how you want to think. Only then will you be able to maintain your happiness.

Be aware of your thoughts. The first step to controlling your thoughts is to be mindful of them. When you know your thoughts, you can question why you think of them.

Practice positive self-talk. One way to control your thoughts is to practice positive self-talk. Instead of talking to yourself negatively, change the narrative. Instead of saying, “I’m so fat,” say, “I’m healthy, and I love my body.”

Choose your thoughts wisely. Another way to control your thoughts is to choose them. When presented with an idea, ask yourself if it’s helpful or harmful. If it’s destructive, let it go.

What you allow yourself to think about has a significant impact on your happiness. You can choose to think about cheerful things, or you can choose to think about sad things. It’s your choice.


Change Your Mindset:

If you want to be happy, change your perspective. Many people believe happiness is something you’re born with and can’t control. But this isn’t true. You can choose to be happy by changing your mindset. The first step to changing your mindset is to choose to be happy. Decide to be happy, no matter what. Life will present you with problems. You decide to look at the world with a “glass half full” mindset or a “glass half empty” mindset.

Write your negative thoughts in a journal to identify when and why you have them. When you understand why you have negative thoughts and feelings, you can create a plan to process your thoughts in a healthy way.

See a therapist if you need to. A negative mindset might stem from childhood or adulthood trauma. A professional can provide tools to help shift your mindset from negative to positive.


Change Your Behavior:

Your behavior affects your happiness. If you want to be happy, act to make yourself happy.

Choose your actions wisely. Ask yourself if an opportunity will make you happy when it presents itself. If the answer is no, then don’t do it.

Make a list of things that bring you joy, and try to do at least one of those things each day.

Avoid people who bring you down. There is no reason to keep people who make you unhappy in your life. If someone consistently gets you down, it’s time to let them go.

Do something new. Trying new things is a great way to spice up your life, leading to happiness. When you step out of your comfort zone, you open yourself to new experiences and possibilities.


Find Meaning in Your Life:

Finding meaning in your life makes you more likely to be happy. To find meaning in your life, ask yourself what you’re passionate about and what you want to achieve. Once you understand these things well, you can start working towards them.

Achieving your goals will strengthen your mental health and give your life purpose and meaning. Do something that you’re passionate about. When you’re working on something you’re passionate about, you’re more likely to be happy. Help others. One of the best ways to find meaning is to help others. When you help someone, you positively impact their lives and make yourself feel good.

Do something that brings you joy.

Doing something that makes you feel good boosts your mood and improves your mental health.

Doing things that make you happy will also help you find meaning.


Happiness is a Choice:

You can choose to be happy no matter what life throws your way. You’re more likely to find happiness when you decide to be happy. So change your mindset, focus on the positive aspects of your life, and find peace in the little things. Find meaning in your life and do more things that make you feel at ease. When you focus on the problems, they multiply. However, things look brighter when you place your energy into the positive aspects of your life. Every day, you get to decide how you think or feel.

Today, choose happiness. Choose joy.

It’s easier than you think. If you want to talk about it, book a call now.

Embracing a CONNECTED Future …

Feeling lonely after leaving your 9-to-5 position is a shared experience, but it doesn’t have to define your days. You can build a fulfilling social life by taking proactive steps to reconnect with old friends, join new groups, volunteer, and embrace new hobbies. It’s never too late to form meaningful connections and create a rich, connected life. Connections are the lifeline that keep you grounded. Embrace your encore with an open heart and a willingness to explore new possibilities, and you’ll find that the world is full of opportunities for friendship and joy.

Join Our Community of Joyful Explorers.

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Click here to join our vibrant community where inspiration meets action in your encore years.

Let’s celebrate life together, with all its possibilities!

This joy-filled journey is about more than just coping with changes – it’s about thriving!

If today’s blog post sparked the joy and insight you were seeking, we’d be thrilled if you could spread the JOY by sharing it on social media, emailing it to a friend, or leaving us a comment with your thoughts. We love hearing from you and … You never know whose day you might brighten!

I truly do believe that joy is more than just a feeling — it’s a vital nutrient for your soul. Just like how vitamins nourish your body, joy nourishes your spirit, uplifting your mood, sparking creativity, and filling your days with positivity (also known as “glimmers”). Imagine waking up every morning with a heart full of joy, ready to embrace each day’s possibilities. That’s the power of the joy vitamin.

Book a free call with me, Laura Hess, Master Coach and Joy Expert, and discover how you can infuse more joy into your life.

Let’s unlock the happiness that’s waiting to light up your world!




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