Laura Hess
Creating Tomorrow’s Joy Today

Beyond the Number: Embrace an Age-Positive Life

We’ve all heard the saying, “Age is just a number.” But let’s be honest: how often do we live by that idea? It’s one thing to say but quite another to weave it into your daily life. So, how can you move past those pesky ageist stereotypes and cultivate an inclusive mindset — for yourself and others?

The great news is it doesn’t take magic to do this. It just takes action — small, consistent steps that can make a big difference. Here are some practical ways to embrace an age-positive life:

Challenge Your Own Biases:

It all starts with a bit of introspection. Take some time to reflect on how you view aging. Do you find yourself automatically linking youth with energy and potential while associating older age with decline? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us have picked up these common, internalized stereotypes over the years. But you can flip the script on these thoughts.

Start by recognizing these biases when they pop up. Then, consciously shift your focus to the strengths and wisdom that come with experience. You’ve lived many years and picked up a few things along the way. Consider older adults not just as elders but as mentors, valuable contributors, and reservoirs of life knowledge. This shift in perspective can be incredibly empowering — for you and those around you.

Embrace Lifelong Learning:

Curiosity doesn’t have an expiration date. One of the best ways to stay engaged and vibrant is to keep learning, growing, and exploring. Whether taking up a new hobby, signing up for a class, or having thought-provoking conversations, keeping your mind active is a surefire way to maintain a youthful spirit.

And why not share what you’ve learned? Becoming a mentor can be a deeply rewarding experience. By offering your knowledge and guidance to younger generations, you can foster meaningful connections and help break down age-related barriers. Volunteering as a tutor, coach, or community leader benefits others and keeps you engaged in a purpose-driven life.

Combat Ageism in Everyday Life:

Ageism often sneaks into our language and assumptions, sometimes without us even realizing it. Start by being mindful of the words you use. Avoid terms like “senior citizen” or “over the hill,” Instead, use language that respects and focuses on the person, not their age. You are that person, and words carry a lot of weight.

It’s also important to challenge those little assumptions you might make about what someone can or can’t do based on age. Treating everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of how many years they’ve lived, is critical to fostering an age-inclusive environment. Don’t hesitate to speak up if you encounter age discrimination — whether in the workplace, healthcare, or elsewhere. Advocacy for fair treatment benefits everyone, and your voice can be a powerful tool for positive change.

Build Bridges Across Generations:

One of the most enriching experiences you can have is connecting with people of different ages. Whether spending time with young children or having a heart-to-heart with someone older, these intergenerational connections can offer fresh perspectives and deepen your understanding of the human experience.

Consider organizing or participating in intergenerational activities — community service projects, cultural events, or learning initiatives that bring together people of all ages. These experiences can be enriching and help build a stronger, more inclusive community.

And don’t forget about family. Cherishing relationships with grandparents, parents, children, and other relatives across the age spectrum can offer invaluable support, love, and a deep sense of belonging. These timeless bonds remind us that family connections are one of life’s greatest treasures.

Resources for Your Age-Positive Journey:

As you embark on or continue your journey toward an age-positive life, here are some resources that can offer inspiration and guidance:

  • Aging as a Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide to Growing Older and Wiser by Lewis Richmond – Offers a Buddhist perspective on aging, focusing on mindfulness and spiritual growth.
  • Women Rowing North: Navigating Life’s Currents and Flourishing as We Age by Mary Pipher – A thoughtful exploration of the emotional challenges and opportunities of aging.
  • org – CoGenerate’s mission is to bring older and younger people together to solve problems and bridge generational divides, and offers resources for encore leaders, encore seekers, and researchers.
  • org – Offers resources, articles, and guided practices to help with mindflness and meditation, which can benefit mental well-being as you age.
  • The Transition Network (org) – A community of women 50 and older who support each other as they navigate the transitions of aging, with resources on career changes, personal growth, and social connections.
  • Oasis Institute ( – Offers lifelong learning, healthy living, and community service programs for adults aged 50+, helping them stay mentally and socially engaged as they age. Keep the Journey Going

Embracing an age-positive mindset is a continuous journey. Like any journey, it comes with its share of challenges. But every step you take towards breaking down age barriers and fostering inclusion makes a difference — not just in your life, but in the lives of those around you.

Let’s celebrate the richness and diversity of our experiences, no matter our age. Together, we can create a world where age is just a number, and everyone has the chance to thrive at every stage of life. So, what’s your next step toward living an age-positive life?

Connect for a Personalized Coaching Session.

Feel like you’re at a crossroads and need guidance on navigating your encore years?

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This joy-filled journey is about more than just coping with changes – it’s about thriving!

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I truly do believe that joy is more than just a feeling — it’s a vital nutrient for your soul. Just like how vitamins nourish your body, joy nourishes your spirit, uplifting your mood, sparking creativity, and filling your days with positivity (also known as “glimmers”). Imagine waking up every morning with a heart full of joy, ready to embrace each day’s possibilities. That’s the power of the joy vitamin.

Book a free call with me, Laura Hess, Master Coach and Joy Expert, and discover how you can infuse more joy into your life.

Let’s unlock the happiness that’s waiting to light up your world!




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