Laura Hess
Creating Tomorrow’s Joy Today




Something different this week. Making connections in your encore years can be a challenge for many women. It’s not like you have a ready-made community in an office. You have to do it yourself. So where to start?  Here are ten …

If you’re feeling pressed for time, give more of it away. Sounds like an oxymoron, I know. But it’s true. (You’ve heard the saying, “If you want something done, give it to a busy woman,” right? That’s true, too.) Studies show that …

How do you define friendship? I’m sure you have people who qualify more as acquaintances than friends. We all do. These people are important and provide value in some way, but they’re not the first people you think about when considering …

For the next month, I will explore and talk about connection and community. It’s one of the things that women like us miss most once we transition out of the 9 to 5 lifestyle and into our encore. It’s also one …

Joy doesn’t have to be hard to manifest in your life. You can create it with conscious effort and an intention to have more joy in your life. Joy is a mindset, a way of being. It’s not about what happens …

As we enter our encore years, fulfillment becomes a major focus. This period, rich with experience and wisdom, invites a deeper exploration of two commonly interchanged concepts: joy and happiness. Understanding their nuances can be enlightening, especially for women transitioning into …

For most people in the U.S., there are traditions surrounding Thanksgiving (and almost every other holiday.) You gather with family and friends, have special celebrations at work, and share holiday-related goodies. What happens when work is no longer in the picture? …

As you enter your encore years, you’re greeted with a liberating proposition: “Your Encore, Your Rules.” This mantra isn’t just a call to action; it’s a declaration of independence. It invites you to celebrate this phase of life as a unique …

As you step into your encore years, a canvas of opportunities and a chance to redefine your existence with openness, curiosity, and a hunger for new experiences greet you. This period in your life is not just a continuation; it’s an …

In your life journey, you’ve come to understand that true fulfillment often stems from the impact you make in the lives of others. Your encore years present a beautiful opportunity to embody this principle through volunteer work and mentorship. Engaging in …

Your journey through life is a testament to your resilience, achievements, and the wisdom you’ve gathered along the way. As you step into your encore years, you have an unparalleled opportunity to continue your journey of growth and learning. This is …

As you navigate the waters of your encore years, the value of meaningful connections — engaging in community, fostering friendships, and strengthening family bonds — becomes ever more apparent. These relationships offer you more than just companionship; they provide a support …

As you embark on your encore years, your physical and mental well-being demands your attention. This unique period offers you a splendid opportunity to redefine your existence with activities, relationships, and goals that bring you joy and fulfillment. However, to fully …

As you transition into your encore years, financial security becomes a pivotal aspect of your ability to enjoy this phase of life without worry. This period, rich with potential for personal growth and exploration, calls for a mindful approach to managing …

In the vibrant tapestry of your life, discovering joy is a journey that beckons you with the promise of fulfillment and a more profound sense of connection to the world around you. Your encore years invite you to tap into your …

As you navigate through the various stages of your life, reaching your encore years prompts you to reflect deeply on what brings you joy and fulfillment. The quest for a life rich in happiness and purpose becomes more poignant as you …

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